The Revue française de psychanalyse is a scientific review with a reading committee. Founded in 1927 “under the patronage of Pr. Sigmund Freud”, it was the first international review of psychoanalysis in the French language. The Revue française de psychanalyse enjoys editorial independence and The Paris Psychoanalytical Society is responsible for editing. Its editorial board decides on which texts will be published according to its own criteria, in keeping with the history of the review and with its epoch. The review is a forum for debates and the re-evaluation of many clinical and metapsychological questions; it offers a space for exploring the major contemporary psychoanalytic themes, and for comparing classical Freudian findings with post-Freudian contributions in the field of psychoanalysis and outside this field.
Quarterly publication
The Revue française de psychanalyse is a quarterly publication in association with a special issue devoted to the contributions of the “Congress of French-Speaking Psychoanalysts”, an international congress that brings together authors from many countries.
Issues comprising several parts
Each issue of the review, except issue 5, is comprised of four parts.
A first part (Theme) pertains to a theme presented in the argument written by the editorial board of the Rfp. This argument is available several months before the closing date for receiving articles. This part represents between a third and a half of the original articles published in each issue.
A second part (Dossier) brings together 3-5 texts around a precise subject. This may concern a subject of topical interest, a subject of concern for psychoanalysts (for example, training), a particular branch of analytic activity, the work of a psychoanalyst whose writings have marked our reflection, texts from this or that congress or colloquium, the development of psychoanalysis in this or that country, etc.
A third part (Sections) is comprised of articles on all themes. The sections are chosen according to the themes of each article submitted and accepted for publication (Child psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis and literature, Psychoanalysis and institutions, Psychoanalysis and society, Psychoanalytic theory, Psychoanalytic technique, Psychoanalysis and medicine, Psychoanalysis and neuroscience, etc.
Finally, a fourth part (Book reviews, Journal reviews, Theatre Reviews, offers critical presentations concerning topics of current interest in French and international psychoanalysis in books, the press and the arts.
While the majority of the articles are submitted spontaneously, the Revue française de psychanalyse has the possibility of asking recognized authors to contribute their skills for debates, interviews or dossiers on specific themes. These articles are subject to the same procedures of evaluation as the spontaneous articles.
The summaries and key words of the articles are translated into English and Spanish.
Selection criteria for the articles
As in any scientific journal, the editorial board of the Revue française de psychanalyse is constituted as an anonymous reading committee, while drawing on the expertise of an international reading committee whose members are chosen for their scientific competence. The articles submitted are evaluated by three members of the reading committee (peer review) and their detailed opinion on the text is submitted and communicated to the author. The synthesis of these opinions can lead to the acceptance of the text, to the suggestion of a certain number of modifications for publication, or to refusal.
The final decision of publication is based on the opinions of the readers and the possible modifications made by the author to his/her text after the first reading. The reading committee tries to respect a reasonable response time after receiving the manuscript. The dates of reception, acceptance and publication are indicated when the articles are published.
The Presses Universitaires de Frances and their redactions support the code of good conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): Read the page “Presenting an article”
Editorial committee
Excecutive director
Clarisse Baruch (Paris)
Vassilis Kapsambelis (Paris)
Associate Editors
Aline Cohen de Lara (Paris), Martine Girard (Toulouse), Sabina Lamertucci-Mann (Paris)
Advisor to Editors
Chantal Lechartier-Atlan (Paris)
Editorial Board
Klio Bournova (Lyon), Kalyane Fejtö (Paris), Jean-Francois Gouin (Paris), Denis Hirsch (Brussels), Piotr Krzakowski (Paris), Marcela Montes de Oca (Paris), Pascale Navarii (Marseille), Michel Picco, (Aix-en-Provence), Pilar Puertas (Bilbao), Riad Ben Rejeb (Tunis), Thierry Scmeltz (Troyes), Monique Selz (Paris), Benoît Servant (Paris), Hélène Suarez-Labat (Paris), Nathalie Zilkha (Geneva)
Person in charge of “Book Reviews”
Sabina Lamertucci-Mann (Paris)
Person in charge of “Journal Reviews”
Benoît Servant (Paris)
Editorial Secretary
Philippe Bonilo
SCOPUS (Elsevier):
Last revised February 2021
Updated 26/01/2022
Other information
Periodicity: 5 issues/year
ISSN: 0035-2942
ISSN on line: 2105-2964
Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France